Now that you have a toddler, the word vacation has a whole new meaning. From keeping your little one entertained during car or airplane travel to packing ALL of their belongings into one suitcase, travel sure does become more tricky with a toddler in the mix.
Travel with a toddler doesn’t have to be stressful, but it does take a lot of thought and planning to make sure you get everything your family needs packed and stay (at least somewhat) organized once you arrive at your destination. Vacation is meant to be relaxing and rejuvenating.
Of course, it won’t be the same care-free time as it was pre-baby, but it does not have to be stressful.
We just survived got back from our first family vacation since Taylor officially entered Toddler-dom. Although we took several trips with T when she was under 1 year, flying across the country and spending two weeks in several different locations with our Energizer Bunny was an entirely different ball game.
As usual, I spent a lot of time brainstorming beforehand and reflecting afterward on ways to make my/your #momlife easier and take some of that mental load off of you, mama (because I don’t know of many dads responsible for packing for both himself and the kiddos, am I right?).Â
To that end, I want to share a few things you can expect when traveling/vacationing with a toddler, a total Mom Must Have for packing and keeping ALL the things organized, free printable packing lists for you + your toddler, as well as a few family photos from our vacation.
This post is part of the Packed to Perfection Series. Each post (including one of my most popular – “What To Pack In A Carry-On To Entertain A Toddler On An Airplaneâ€Â) includes tips for what to pack and printable checklists to make sure you don’t forget anything. It’s hard enough remembering what to pack for yourself, right?! I like to print my checklists, laminate them and keep them in my bags/suitcases so that they are right on hand when it comes time to pack for a trip. I hope you find the vacation packing checklists for both Toddlers and Mamas from this post useful the next time you are getting ready to travel with your tot.
If you are traveling by plane, make sure you check out THIS POST and printable checklist to make sure you have everything you need to pack in a carry on bag to keep your toddler entertained during the flight! If you are going on a vacation where the pool or beach will be involved, make sure to check out THIS POST and printable checklist as well!
Without further ado…
4 Things You Can Expect On Vacation With A Toddler
- Sleep and nap schedules can and will go out the window… and your little one will be just fine. Time change + jet lag (especially if you’ve made a long journey), excitement, new faces + environments, general overstimulation and even F.O.M.O. can all be cause for your little one to miss naps, stay up late, wake up earlier than normal, and just generally be off schedule. I learned that this isn’t the end of the world, and worrying about it only serves to increase your stress and decrease the vacation vibes.Your tot WILL get back on schedule when you get home and back to your regularly scheduled programming, I promise.
- Reframe your mindset from taking a vacation to taking a trip. A trip, which is what you’ll be on, is definitely a memory-filled experience, but it may not include laying out in the sun for 3 hour stretches with your beverage of choice, pausing to take and post one of those obnoxious bottom halves of your legs in the foreground + ocean in the background pics ( #guilty). If you are pining for the duty-free vacation days of old, you’ll feel disappointed and like you need a vacation after the vacation, so it’s best to get in the mindset of making it a memorable trip with the fam. Unless of course, you have # 3 going for you.
- Traveling with Grandparents, friends, and family can make vacation with a toddler feel like an actual vacation. If you can plan a trip with friends and family included, I would highly recommend it. It takes a village, right? I cannot explain how wonderful it was to have my parents and some of our closest relatives around to A) spend time with, and B) help to entertain/care for Taylor. If it weren’t for the help of family, I know I wouldn’t have come home feeling as relaxed as I did. Taylor pretty much played with her cousins from sunup to sundown, which was so sweet to watch. Thanks to the generosity of my parents, AJ and I were even able to sneak where to buy Provigil away for a date night in Charleston while she enjoyed some special time with them. You could even plan a trip with other couples with little ones and trade off on nights in/date nights!
- Your tot is going to have a blast! No matter where you are, what you do, or even what you forget to pack, YOU are providing an amazing experience for your little one that they are going to love. Enjoy every precious, energy-filled moment.
Pack For Vacation With A Toddler Made Easy!
The EZPacking cubes made packing for and then accessing ALL the toddler things upon arrival at your destination so, well, EZ! I purchased the Starter Set (one cube in each of the four sizes) a year ago, and was gifted another set for this trip – Thanks, EZPacking! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways… I could go on about EZPacking all day long, but I’ll just give you the top 4 reasons why you MUST have these packing cubes for your next vacation (Plus, you get a 15% discount with code TAYLORMADEMAMA!):

- Transparency. I love that the EZPacking cubes are clear. I can easily see the outfits, accessories, diaper cream, etc. that I am looking to find for myself or Taylor.
- If you are going to be traveling between several different places, the packing cubes make it so easy to get comfortable and organized quickly. Even if we’re only staying somewhere for a couple of nights, putting things away and getting my suitcase out of sight just makes me feel more relaxed and at home. Throw the cubes into the bedroom or bathroom drawers and you are all set; everything is still in the same place it was at your last stop.
- The cubes can be packed to utilize the entire height of the suitcase so, no wasted space!Â
- EZPacking cubes come in several different colors (black, green, pink, blue and gray – orange is currently sold out), which is perfect for mamas packing for more than one child and sharing a suitcase. You could even have older children pack their own color cubes. I used a black set for myself, and a gray one for Taylor:
What To Pack For Vacation With A Toddler:
These are the vacation packing lists I use to pack for Taylor and I. I tried to include all the essentials a toddler and their mama would need. Other lines are under almost every category within the checklists so that you can add any additional, specific items you need to pack. Please let me know in the comments if there are any glaringly obvious things I left off! Click here or just click on the pictures below to access, download and print copies of the Mama and Toddler packing checklists:
Our Vacation + Travel With Toddler Must Haves:
- EZPacking Cubes – see above!
- Travel Sized Downy Wrinkle Release Spray – I roll when I pack in EZPacking cubes because it saves more space, and this spray helps in a pinch when I don’t have access to or time for ironing!s
- J by Jeep Umbrella Stroller – this lightweight stroller is super easy to travel with and handles surprisingly well, even on the cobblestone streets in Charleston!
- Portable Crib – although we borrowed a crib from my cousin this trip, we typically travel with our Baby Bjorn portable crib unless we are staying at a hotel which guarantees access to a crib (just make sure to bring your own sheet!).
- Boxed organic milk – no refrigeration required. You can buy a 12 pack on Amazon and take a few with you for car or airplane travel when refrigeration isn’t convenient or possible.
- Wet Dry bag – I pack all of Taylor’s suits and sandals in the wet dry bag, and then use it for pool/beach trips if we are going on that sort of vacation. I can’t get enough of these Skip Hop wet/dry bags.
- Portable Snacks – Taylor’s fav snacks (that include protein) are these Sprout Power Pouches.
- I hope you find the things I did to plan for, used during and learned along the way on vacation with a toddler help make your next vacation an enjoyable experience for your whole family – including YOU!
 EZPacking has kindly extended a discount for my readers. Enter code: TAYLORMADEMAMA15 at checkout for a 15% discount!
P.S. A few of our fav family vacation photos (July 2017)
(Charlotte, North Carolina + Litchfield Beach and Charleston, South Carolina)
I LOVE how organized you are and am all about making lists – yours put mine to shame!
Thanks, Lindsay! It might be a little bit of OCD haha
This is such a great list! Most of these are what I usually pack whenever we’re traveling with my 2 little ones!
Belle | One Awesome Momma
Thanks, Belle!
I totally agree with reframing your mindset about taking a vacation…it really does become “taking a tip” or “going on an adventure” instead.
Oh, and really cute printables.
Thank you so much, Meg! It helped my expectations to re-frame my mindset for sure!
Good tips! Packing for my 2 year old is stressful.
Those cubes are such a good idea. I hate digging into a bag two days in and everything is all jumbled together… and, I’ve been trying to drag grandparents along, but so far I haven’t been able to make it work
Oh my goodness, Sara, totally try out the packing cubes! I was in the same exact place until I found out about the packing cubes. They make a huge difference!
I save the plastic zippered bags that bed linens or curtains often come in and use for packing cubes!
That’s such a genius idea!!!
There is so much great information in this post! Thanks for sharing about those cubes, those are such a great idea. And I agree, a vacation with little ones is often not really a “vacation”.
The EZPacking cubes have been such a game changer! I hope they are for you too, Justine! Vacation is still fun, just a totally different kind than before kiddos, right?
So much truth here. My kids have totally changed the way I think about travel. If you don’t reframe it, you just set yourself up to be disappointed in some instances. There’s no relaxing on the beach when you have to keep an eye out for baby. Making the trip about experiences makes it much more fun for everyone.
I couldn’t agree more. Vacation definitely becomes about the experiences when kids are involved!