Work At Home Mom Tips, For The Full-Time Stay At Home Mama!

Work At Home Mom Tips For The Stay At Home Mama

Today I want to share 5 work at home mom tips for the full-time stay at home mama. but all of these can absolutely apply to any mom trying to get #allthethings done in the pockets of their days (hello, that’s ALL of us!).

A question I get asked semi-frequently is how I get work for my businesses done as a full-time stay at home mama, without a nanny or babysitter. From the month I left my career to become a stay at home Mompreneur until August 2019, my 3.5-year-old (Taylor) hasn’t been in pre-school, and hasn’t napped in a year.

Being a work at home mom with a toddler is no joke; if that’s you too, then sister… #solidarity.

She’s now in preschool twice a week for 4 hours – TOTAL game changer – but I still find myself trying to find ways to maximize productivity so that I can meet my business goals, show other mamas I work personally with how they can meet theirs, yet be present with my daughter.

I left my career to spend time with her, not to spend all my time working. But there’s tension there and…

I’m NOT perfect with this…

Many days I find myself scrambling/struggling to do #allthethings I need/want to do to continue to grow & scale my online businesses, AND be a fully present mama. It’s harder than we can see it look for others on social media or in the Blogosphere. I experience flickers of Mom Guilt but then I remember that what I do makes me really happy & I believe the best gift we can give our children is a mama who is whole/happy. 

Work at home mom tips Working at home mom with a toddler

There are also some days I go to Starbucks while she’s at preschool with the best of productive, time-blocking intentions only to end up in a Facebook scroll-hole or a deep Google dive into something that is soooo NOT income producing…

However, I have been able to build two successful online businesses in 3 years with a babe on my hip full time (and working full-time for a year of that!!), so I wanted to share a few tips for how to get as much as you can done in a season of limited work time.

Hopefully, these work from home mom tips will give you a nugget or two to make working at home mom with a toddler a little less chaotic.

5 Work From Home Mom Tips

  1. Multi-task things that don’t require full focus/attention. This isn’t ideal for brain function, I know, but #necessaryevel. I have specific routines, like checking & responding to emails/messages while I walking at an incline on the treadmill at the gym (good for biz + booty lol). Think of ways that you can do simple tasks that don’t require large time blocks that you can combine with something you are already doing within your day.
  2. Apple Air Pods. You can be listening to Personal Development on Audible, voice messages from team members, or a work training while you cook dinner, blow dry your hair, snuggle on the couch with your little one while she watches a cartoon, etc. (just keep one out so you can always hear what’s going on!). If you’d like a list of my top personal development reads – almost all available on – over the last 3 years, check out this list!
  3. Find a gym that has childcare and a place you can work. THIS has been the key in the last year for me. We attend a Lifetime Fitness gym. I split the childcare time we get between a workout and work 4 days a week. Sometimes I work from the cafe, sometimes poolside. This glorious “me time” + work time is worth the price of the membership. Plus, I’m pretty sure it could be considered a tax write off.
  4. Time blocking. Finding 2-4 hour time blocks, even if that means sacrificing sleep when you’re in hustle mode, is so key! My hubby travels a lot for work, so many of the nights he is away & Taylor is asleep I will work on a post or a project for a few hours at a time. Or I’ve gone through seasons of getting up at 5AM – NOT my favorite, but a Mompreneurs gotta do what she’s gotta do! When you do get a chance to sit down to work, tune everything else out. No checking phone messages, social media (unless you’re working there), etc..I find it helpful to put my phone in another room entirely so that I’m not tempted. 
  5. Last but not least, give yourself GRACE. Being a work at home mama, especially if you’re in a season where you have your little one/s with you most of the time feels like the OPPOSITE of balance. You want to do everything, and implement all your business brain-children RIGHT NOW, but the important thing is that you take a few steps toward your vision/goals every day. And don’t quit because it seems like there’s never enough time. There ISN’T enough time for dreams as big as yours, mama! And that’s okay. In a year, you’ll be surprised at how much you accomplish if you show up INTENTIONALLY for your business even a little bit each day. BUT, In this season, the priority is showing up intentionally every day for your little one – and you’re kicking butt at that!

Work at home mom tips Working at home mom with a toddler

Which of these work at home mom tips can you see yourself implementing?

If you have any additional tips for moms working at home with a toddler I would love to hear them – just leave a comment here!

This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase through a link I may receive a small commission. I exclusively recommend products I actually buy, use & love that I think you may too! That you for your ongoing support of our little blog.

Work at home mom tips Working at home mom with a toddler

P.S. Are you a Mompreneur with a network marketing side hustle, interested in learning how to Utilize Attraction Marketing, and build your authentic brand + influence to grow your business?

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