Are you a stay at home mom of a toddler looking to add more structure, routine and “me time” into your weekdays? A work at home mom who wonders how to get everything done in the day? New to the stay at home mom club and need more routine in your daily life? A mama thinking about making the transition from working mom to stay and/or work at home mom? Or perhaps you’re just curious about what Taylor and my routine looks like these days (the last updates I gave were this one when I was on maternity leave and this one when I was still nursing/pumping at work!).
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then this post is for you.
Before I jump into our toddler and stay at home mom routine, I feel compelled to write something straight from the heart :
Recently, I had a conversation with a long-time friend. She shared that, through following my journey from working to stay/work at home mom over the last year or so, a fire was lit beneath her to leave her own VERY successful career to start a business working for herself + stay at home with her two little ones. And, guess what? She has made it happen for herself and her family! I couldn’t be more happy for my friend who had a vision of a different lifestyle and, despite any fears and hesitancies, followed her heart and went for it.
In turn, her story stoked MY fire to encourage women who may be in the same place I found myself a year ago – a heart being pulled toward being at home, yet also with the fear of uncertainty of letting go of a career and identity outside the home.
If this resonates with you right now, please know that I get it. I’ve been there, and I can tell you that I do not regret the decision for a minute. The moments I get to share with Taylor EVERY DAY now, even the hard ones, outweigh anything I could be accomplishing at work. Do I continue to think about what the future of my career may look like as I did a few months ago when I left? Sure, those thoughts still cross my mind…
BUT, here is the evolution in my thinking:
There is always someone who can do my/your day job (maybe not as well, maybe just as good, maybe even better) but there is NO ONE who can be YOU to your child. If you want to be at home with your baby, and it is possible for your family, don’t be afraid to make the big transition because, “the days are long, but the years are SHORT.”
Remembering this always brings me back to a place of content with the decision we’ve made. Fortunately/strategically on my part, between this blog and my Social Marketing biz, I’m finding ways to satisfy the creative, social AND entrepreneurial sides of myself WHILE getting to be at home with Taylor and focussing on my family (and make a full-time income through the latter!!).
The last few months have truly been the best of all worlds for me, and I would LOVE to chat with you if you have any specific questions about my journey or what I’m up to these days if I don’t answer them within this series.
If you haven’t yet read the first post in this series, How To Rock The Transition From Working Mom To Stay At Home Mom, I encourage you to go back and read that first. In it, I discussed my newly minted stay at home mom response to the question, “what do you do?” as far as work, and finding confidence in however you choose to live your own #momlife.
Working Mom to Stay At Home Mom Update #2
This brings me to another question (or variation of) I’ve been asked many times since becoming a stay at home mom is,
“So, what do you DO all day now?”
That’s actually a really good question, and one I felt super nervous about in the weeks leading up to the transition from working to stay/work at home mom. I was SO used to a jam-packed, tightly scheduled, daily routine that the thought of open-ended days gave me a ton of anxiety. Full disclosure, I remember crying the week before I was finished with work, for many reasons, but mostly because I just couldn’t picture what my new days and weeks would look like.
I wanted to do this stay at home mom thing well and didn’t want to lose myself in the day to day mom-ing/home-making or waste days sitting around watching cartoons with Taylor…. As it turns out, I have spent several days with Taylor sitting around doing mostly just that- and I’m totally okay with it. In fact, I’ll take those extra snuggles any day of the week.
Having a predictable schedule and routine is important for you/your sanity and your toddler. However, it is also important to be flexible and adjust according to your little one’s (or your!) needs on a given day. Moods happen. Things come up. Kiddos and mamas get sick. Naps are dropped. Structure without rigidity is key!
Structure without rigidity is the key!

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Weekday Toddler Schedule and Stay At Home Mom Routine
That said, I wanted to share what a typical weekday for this stay at home mom and her 18-month-old toddler looks like. I work best when I time block (as you can see in my admittedly OCD Google Calendar below), and I hope it’s helpful to see what typically takes place during each block:
7 AM – Taylor wakes up and plays with her stuffed animals and reads books in her crib for 15-30 minutes while I “wake up”. One of the goals I have for myself is to start getting myself out of bed at 6AM in order to build in a little more me/work time before the day begins. I’m SOOOO not a morning person though, so we shall see how that goes….any tips?
7:30 AM – AJ or I (my hubby works from home with is AMAZING) get Taylor out of her crib, change her diaper, and bring her into our room to drink her bottle (yep, still drinking a bottle of milk in the AM + PM) while we watch the news/I get ready for the day. Most days I just put on some tinted moisturizer, curl my eyelashes and that’s about it. I can’t usually get Taylor downstairs without making a pit stop at the playroom, so we play there for 15-20 minutes before breakfast. Conveniently, the laundry room is connected to that room so I can start on or fold a load of laundry as she enjoys!
8:30 AM – Taylor eats breakfast and I drink coffee and check emails. Her breakfast is anything from a banana + oatmeal, to a bagel, egg + raspberries. At this point, she is able to request her favorite foods which is so amazingly cool!
9:30-11:30 AM – Monday through Thursday (again, not EVERY Monday through Thursday because flexibility is key!) we go to Lifetime Athletic Club within this time block. Joining this gym is hands down the best decision we made as a family when I quit working and we moved to a new city. Their childcare facility, programming, and staff are absolutely phenomenal and Taylor LOVES going there. While she participates in toddler art or music class, I get to workout for an hour or so. This time is SO good for both of us; she gets to develop her independence and play skills while I get to maintain (maybe even increase!) my fitness and sanity, win-win! I always bring a snack for us to share outside the gym when we’re finished up. If you follow me on Instagram you’ll see that I often document our “conversations” during this time that has come to be a special tradition between she and I.
On Fridays during this time block, we go to the local library for a Mommy & Me developmental play hour which is super fun for Taylor, a little stressful for me (because she is literally the Energizer Bunny + Tazmanian Devil in this environment), and overall great for her development. Anything for T.
11:30 AM – When we get home from the gym, I make lunch for Taylor to eat before she goes down for her nap. Her lunch is usually leftovers from the night before, a toddler approved Green Smoothie, Annie’s Mac and Cheese (no shame in my game!), plus some fruit and water.
12-2 PM – Naptime, glorious, naptime. Although T’s naps have been hit or miss over the last few weeks, she typically naps for 2-3 hours a day. During this time I shower, work on blog-related stuff and/or my Social Marketing business (as of January 2019 I now make my full-time income through this endeavor which is AMAZING!!!!), start or finish a load of laundry, and (some days) clean one room of the house. I create a prioritized “to do” list for each naptime block at the start of the week and get as far as I can through that day’s list, bumping unfinished business to the evening “Task” block or to the next day. Obviously, this system gets WAY backed up when Little Miss decides to boycott her nap/s, but I digress…
2-4 PM – This is the time we either A) get outside of the house to play (if I have an errand to run that day, we’ll go on the way home), or B) play indoors and incorporate a learning/developmental activity. This may be a trip to the park or zoo, going outside in our backyard to play with her water table or playhouse, artwork or another craft in the kitchen (this art smock is a must, and under $5!), a make shift “fort” in the living room, or up to her playroom to “cook,” in her kitchen or play with her toys and dress up clothes.
Around 4:00 I offer T a snack whether we are at home or out and about. Her favorites these days are gummies, protein + fiber bars, and Goldfish.
6-7 PM – I begin preparing dinner around 6:00. While I’m prepping for dinner AJ (the hubs), Curious George, Peppa Pig or Daniel Tiger babysit for Taylor, and we eat together around 6:30 PM.
7-8 PM – Almost every weeknight Taylor takes a bath, and then we go through her bedtime routine. Since I’ve been at home with Taylor, my hubby and I have been switching off every other night with who is “in charge” of the bedtime routine. On my nights off, l usually take a bath with my favorite bath bomb and enjoy some “me time.” This time is so critical, especially on the nights when I need to put in evening work to catch up on work stuff.
9-11 PM – This is the time where I (usually) try and get things I didn’t get done earlier in the day done. Although, many nights all I do is enjoy a glasses of wine (or 2 or 3) and a crime show with my hubby on our comfy couch. Those are the best weeknights of all : )
I would love to know what your stay at home mom routine and toddler schedule looks like. I love getting ideas from other mamas like you! How is it different than ours? How is it the same?
UPDATE [January 2019]:
I am now blessed to be able to work and make a full-time income from home!! That’s not everyone’s desire, but it truly was mine and I’ve found a way to make it happen for our family, and a way to help others make it happen for theirs!!! If you’d like more information on what I do now or if you are looking for an opportunity to either make some additional income for your family or even replace your income like I have I would love to work with you!!
Check THIS POST out for more information, mama!
Love this schedule ❤️
Thank you for checking out our daily schedule, Kari!
This was pretty similar to my schedule when I had my first child. Now that we’re up to three, things are little crazier, but we still try to have a schedule of some kind.
Meg, I would love to know what you schedule with 3 looks like! I’m still trying to envision what I would do if we were to have just two! : )
I love that question… what do you do all day?! Haha. This is an amazing schedule mama! Way to go with it. With four, mine is kind of a mess, but we make it happen!
You are seriously AMAZING! You get so much done and raise 4 beautiful children – teach me your ways : )
I totally agree on the importance of a schedule with young children. I err on the side of being too scheduled and need to remember that it’s ok if we can’t get to something or need to make last minute changes. My kids and I both thrive when we have a plan in place for the day.
Couldn’t have said it better, Amelia!
What a happy and beautiful little girl! We have a schedule, too, and it is a LIFESAVER. Thankfully, I mess around with it every week so she learns to roll with it.
Perfect! You’re giving her structure yet teaching her flexibility – bravo, Katie!
Absolutely, the days are long but the years are short! I love this reminder too especially on the not so good days. I may have to rethink our gym and find one that has a nice children’s program because I like this idea for when my baby gets a little older. Thanks for the idea. 🙂
xo, Nicole
You’re welcome! Our gym has been such a game-changer because of the quality childcare/programming! I hope you find one you both love too!
I love how you’ve taken the time to share your routine. I honestly struggle with sticking with a schedule each and everyday.
I definitely make daily adjustments as things come up (toddlers aren’t exactly predictable haha) but I do love having an outline to go from – keeps me sane : )
Girl, your google calendar is something to be ENVIED!! I keep mine pretty tight, but this is awesome!
Thanks, Rachel! A little OCD never hurt anyone, right?
A routine is a must with littles, especially when it comes to bed time.
Agreed! Routine is the #1 thing that helped us with Taylor’s sleep!
Great schedule. Right now I’m trying to figure out how to schedule my days with two kiddos. I have never really been a schedule person, but recently decided something needed to change. So we are giving a routine a try.
Girlfriend, two is like 100 million times one kiddo! Schedules and routines are so helpful for us busy, mamas. Best of luck to you!