Our journey into Physical Therapy to address toe-walking.
Has your little one, or a child you know ever had to go to physical therapy? I would love to share some of our journey into physical therapy to address Taylor’s toe-walking with you to encourage you to 1) ask your Ped questions if you have concerns, 2) get rid of mom guilt, and 3) live your best life by sharing what watching Taylor go through this process is teaching me about how to do so!!
Despite asking her Pediatricians (we’ve moved/changed insurance so she has seen several) over the years about her toe-walking, which started as soon as she could stand with assistance….. no one ever did the assessment she had last month at her physical. Her new Pediatrician discovered that T’s Achilles tendon is incredibly shortened. Even with assistance she couldn’t flex her foot to 90 degrees…Whether she was born that way, lack of adequate tummy time, sensory seeking tendencies, or a result of any combination of things, this is an issue that now needs to be addressed.
THAT is why she has told me it “hurts” to walk flat-footed.
THAT is why she can’t jump, squat, run or move as fluidly as expected for a 3-year-old.
Mom Guilt….
Initially, I started kicking myself, and #momguilt kicked in, for not being more pro-active. I mean, I‘ve gotten comments about it DAILY for 2+ years, so why wasn’t I asking more questions and pressing the issue??
Then I thought, 1) how blessed we are that this is the only health issue we’ve ever really faced with Taylor, when so many families have far bigger issues they’re bravely dealing with with their little ones, and 2) screw mom guilt! I asked the only questions I knew to and moved forward based on the answers I was given (“it’s sensory” “she’ll grow out of it”).
We are all just doing the best we can as moms. We do it all out of love and best intentions and, once we know better we do better.
We’ve moved forward one day at a time, thankful that we now have a course of action to help her to move freely + comfortably from here on out. For now we are doing ankle/calf stretches twice daily, “duck walks” down the hall, yoga (downward dog), spending time standing on a sit disc to get input into her heels as she colors at the kitchen table, etc. while we wait for her to get fitted for carbon fiber footplates that will make it difficult for her to get into toe-walking position.
Changing a 2+ year gait pattern doesn’t happen overnight.
One day at a time. One flat-footed step at a time.
What watching a 3-year-old in Physical Therapy teaches me about dealing with failure + perseverance.
I was blown away watching Taylor during her most recent check-in appointment. I hope my takeaways will encourage you to feel good about taking risks and reframe the way you look at failure. I shared some about this Live on Facebook as well, if you’d like to watch/listen:
T was presented with no less than 5 tasks that she physically could not do well within a 30 minute period. I watched her literally fail forward in some cases, but without worry or looking around at what any of us in the room were thinking until she was able to do it to the best of her current ability.
The point wasn’t for her to practice until perfect during that time. It was to practice long enough to make a slight improvement. How often do I approach things I know I won’t be perfect at with reluctance and apprehension, or just avoid them altogether?
She was resilient, unafraid of what others think, open to coaching/encouragement, and she persevered to accomplish what she was capable of for that day.
She wasn’t worried, as I/we so often can be about being perfect or “as good at this as” this person or that person at a given task.
She just did her personal best and made a little more progress.
We have to start thinking of or trials & failures as opportunities to stretch, grow and become better. We have to stop comparing ourselves to others at a different stage/with different backgrounds/different limitations. We have to give ourselves grace as we re-train old, engrained patterns. Nothing changes or grows overnight, and we won’t grow unless we are willing to fail forward and keep trying.
The literal definition of Tip Toe is, “to walk with your heels raised off the ground,” but it can also mean, “carefully avoid discussing, dealing with or doing something.”
Do you ever find yourself tip-toeing through your life avoiding that growth because you are scared to fail? I know I have in the past. Can we survive tip-toeing through life? Could Taylor survive tip-toeing for the rest of hers?
Sure. Of course. But we’ll never do all that we’re capable of that way. T would never run like the wind as she’ll someday be able to if she (and we as her parents) continue to persevere with physical therapy.
Keep going. Keep growing. One day at a time.
If you have had experience with physical therapy for toe-walking (or know a mama who has!), I would love to connect. Just comment on this post, send me an email at ashley@taylor-mademama.com or message me on Facebook.
PS. If you aren’t already a part, and would like to be a part of my private Facebook community centered around living our overall best lives as women – physically, mentally and financially click through THIS LINK and join us!!
Do you wonder how on earth to get out the door on time with a toddler? Do you find that with kids you’re running late more often than you used to? Do your mornings sometimes feel chaotic or like it’s impossible to get out of the house in a coordinated manner?
Same here, mama. That was SO me/us!
Pre-Taylor I took a little pride in being on time. Even when I went back to work for a year initially after maternity leave (I work from home now!) I was doing okay. Then Taylor became mobile and having opinions of her own she isn’t afraid to voice. At the onset of toddler-dom, and getting adjusted to the stay at home mom lifestyle, all of a sudden it felt like getting out the door was a three+ hour process every day and that no matter where we went, we were NEVER on time!
In this post I’m going to share some of the best hacks & tips I’ve learned along the way and picked up from other mamas with more than one kiddo for getting out of the house in the morning with little ones. And, make sure to snag a printable PDF of the Morning & Evening Toddler Routine Chart! A morning routine for a toddler is essential for timeliness around our house!!
11 Hacks For Getting Out The Door ON TIME With A Toddler!!
Set the time you need to or would like to be out the door. Next, make a list of all the things that would need to accomplish before then and how long they take (i.e. your own morning routine, getting yourself ready for the day, getting or helping your kiddo/s get ready, fixing and eating breakfast, brushing teeth, readying your bag, getting everyone into socks/shoes, and out the door and into the car, etc.). Now, backward map how much time you’ll need for each segment. You’ll then be able to determine what time you need to be up yourself when you’ll want to wake your kiddo/s if they aren’t already up, etc. in order to be on time!
Wake up and get ready yourself before your little one wakes up if at all possible. If you have a super early bird and can’t make this happen, have a quick 5-minute makeup grab bag + mirror that you can spruce yourself up with while your toddler is eating breakfast or doing another morning routine task.
All Our Bags Are Packed And I’m Ready To GO! Have your diaper bag, toddler backpack, or purse stocked up and ready to go and either in your car or next to the door the night before. This simple hack has made a big difference; Not having to think about what I’m forgetting when I’m trying to get us out the door is a mama mental-load game changer!
Meal prep lunches in bulk (things like PB&J sandwiches, bags of carrot sticks/pretzels, etc..) and have a grab & go station in your pantry for the rest on the snacks that your toddler can help load their lunch box with. Taylor LOVES this concept – often trying to {unsuccessfully} pack three of her fav fruit roll-ups!!
Wake up your little one so that they have plenty of getting ready and play time before you need to leave for the day, especially if they love to play in the morning and have difficulty transitioning from one activity to the next.
Have your toddler get dressed or assist them with getting dressed for the day before ever leaving their room in the morning. For some reason, maybe because I’m lazy and don’t want to go up and down the stairs a bunch of times, this one really helps! It gets us out of lazy, lay around mode (if we have somewhere to be) and into “let’s get this day going!” mode!
Have grab and go breakfast options ready – breakfast bars are perfect for this!! These are clutch when/if you’re running later than you want to be (if you allow eating in the car as we do!)
Allow your child a special toy or item to take with them out of the house (our favs are Paw Patrol figurines right now!).
Offer rewards for task completion (audio of a YouTube story in the car, a game on an education App, a second snack/breakfast, a sticker or stamp, etc.) so that you don’t have to continue following up and nagging.
Break it down step-by-step: instead of just saying, “let’s go to the park” or “we’re going to Target,”Start with, “let’s put on your shoes and socks,” “let’s pack up your snacks together” and take it task by task. This GREATLY helps with transitions, as does a morning routine chart:
Have a Morning Toddler Routine Chart – picture chart for pre-readers, or one with words included for readers so that they can self-direct their morning routine like the one I created below for Taylor (and YOU if you’d like to save the time of making one!!).
We printed this routine chart and used our little laminating machine to laminate it, and now check off each of the tasks with a dry erase marker as we progress. Taylor really enjoys this toddler routine chart and I’ve found it makes for much more smooth evenings and mornings – she’s a routine girl, who has a hard time with transitions at times!
*after completing payment click on “Return To Merchant” to access your printable PDF!!
Last tip, and the most important, PLEASE give yourself grace because it’s seriously not an easy task to coordinate #allthethings and be timely (and I only have ONE!!)!
I hope you found these tips and hacks for getting out the door and being on time with your toddler helpful!!
As always, best to you sweet mama!! Thank you for reading today!!
Here is the replay of a Live video I shared over on Facebook on Taylor-made Mama on this topic:
This post contains some affiliate links. If you make a purchase of one of my favorite things through a link, I may receive a small commission. Thank you!!
I don’t know about you, but my Holy Grail beauty product is definitely dry shampoo! It’s a busy mama’s best friend! Last month, I embarked on a VERY important quest to find the Dry Shampoo of my dreams and wanted to share my opinions on the 5 that I put to the test.
I had been using the drugstore brand Pssst! for years (occasionally throwing in the more pricey, but amazing Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray) but wasn’t loving the amount of white residue it left behind, and it wasn’t giving life to my thick, yet very flat hair the way I knew other brands might!
I took a poll in our Facebook Community to see what everyone was using and loving, and trialed the top 5 recommended!
Along the way, I learned that I was actually “applying” my dry shampoo incorrectly, which makes a big difference!! For almost all of the brands, you want to spray smaller, lifted sections of hair at the roots, wait 60-120 seconds, and then brush through with your fingers or a comb.
Once you know better, you do better because #knowledgeispower.
Top 5 Dry Shampoos Put To The Test:
Here is my personal input + opinion on the 5 dry shampoos I trialed* based on the following criteria (yes, I know, #nerdalert):
Smell (anyone else a scent person?)
Hair Volume after use
Longevity (aka, how long until my hair appeared greaseball-ish again)
EWG or Think Dirty Rating (I don’t want to be spraying a ton of chemicals into the air my family breathes on the daily because, let’s be real, I only wash my hair 2x weekly…)
*I trialed each on “4th Day” hair, and used the same shampoo/conditioner/product, to maintain the integrity of the trial : )
Pluses: No residue after brush through, AMAZING volume!!, love the clean smell, the packaging is aesthetically pleasing (important to me!)
Minuses: A little more pricey but not bad ($18 for 4 oz), an overall “8” on the Think Dirty rating – mostly for the amount of Fragrance it contains (which is a bummer, because I do love the smell!)
Pluses: My hair stayed looking clean the entire day – it really did a fantastic job of absorbing oil!
Minuses: On the more pricey side as compared to the others ($20 for 3.2 oz), I was not crazy about the smell, I didn’t get great volume from the product, and WHOAH…. an 8 on the Think Dirty app for fragrance and chemicals!!
Pluses: Smells good (like sweet sugar cookies!), Vegan, beautiful can, provided volume, the effect of making my hair less dark and oily at the roots lasted the entire day!
Minuses: Higher price point ($28 for 3.4 ounces), did leave some residue after brush through, I couldn’t find it’s rating on Think Dirty or EWG but did notice that almost all other Pureology products (which I used for shampoo/conditioner until recently switching THIS non-toxic brand for color-treated hair!) are rated 8, so I assume it’s similar…. YIKES!!
Pluses: Cheap! ($14.53 for THREE cans!!), I liked the scent (a little on the lavender side which I know many have allergies to, so be aware!), it kept the greasy look at bay for the entire day. As compared to the other brands, it had a lower EWG rating, particularly in the area of “Cancer Concern” – which is obviously my number one fear about product ingredients, particularly ones I’m SPRAYING into the air, right?!:
Minuses: A LOT of residue to brush through, although I know there is a brunette version which may be a great option! I did not get much volume from this brand.
Results Of The Dry Shampoo Trial
My overall favorite Dry Shampoo of the 5 I trialed and the Pssst I’d used previously was…. Living Proof Perfect Hair Day!! The number one factor in this dry shampoo being my favorite is that fact that , not only did it make my hair look clean again, it gave me a ton of VOLUME!
That said, I’m still not satisfied with the number of chemicals in Living Proof and am on the hunt for one that is effective AND has CLEAN ingredients.
I am trying my best to be more conscious of what goes into, on and around my (and my family’s) body these days; Apps like EWG and Think Dirty have really opened my eyes to all of the harmful ingredients in many of the products we use in our home daily – even the ones I thought were “Clean”!! I was, admittedly, pretty ignorant to this until a couple months ago, and actually “saw the light” as a result of going through this dry shampoo trial!!
But, like I said earlier, once you know better you do better!!
I recently discovered the Amazon Prime of all things non-toxic + clean-living (3 Day Shipping, Subscribe & Save, $10 coupon code on your first purchase, etc.) and am OBSESSED/overhauling ALL of our household items. However, the one personal care item I need that they DON’T carry yet is dry shampoo. Alas.
I do have this, ZERO rated on the EWG scale, InnerSense dry shampoo heading my way so I’ll have to update this post with my thoughts on it in a week or so! I’m excited to try a CLEAN version of my holy grail and will make the switch after I use up what I have left of the 5 I trialed!
If you have any other clean dry shampoo recommendations or a DIY recipe, please do share with me in the comments!!
The title of this post is intentionally misleading because I don’t think that “Stress Free Potty Training” is actually possible. And that’s okay! If you’re a magical unicorn mama who isn’t stressed with any element of potty training, well, we simply can’t be friends. I mean, we can but you have some SERIOUS explaining and life coaching to do with me.
That said, I really do have some things to share about our recent (and successful) foray into potty training – including a Printable Checklist that WILL reduce stress surrounding P-Day…
But, first a few thoughts and some vulnerability.
“Let go of who you think you need to be, and be who you actually are.â€
This intention could apply to many areas of life but, at this season in mine, it speaks especially to motherhood and lifestyle. A few months ago, I noticed myself feeling like I just wasn’t “enough†in the teeny, tiny corner of the internet/influence I’ve created,
Not adding enough value.
Not creating enough content.
Not having enough influence.
Not creating content IG worthy enough.
Not being an exemplary enough mama.
Well, you know what I say to that? Pardon my abbreviated French but, “ENOUGH with that B.S.!”!!!!
And, I’d rather ACTUALLY be happy than PERCEIVED as anything else.
This is a platform I built with the intention of expressing myself in the best way I know how (through writing), connecting with other mamas across the country/world, and inspiring them to find harmony + balance in #momlife and life in general.
I ran out of time and motivation for photo shoots and being “that motherhood + lifestyle influencer†I never intended to be, a while back (as evidenced by our simple party and post documenting Taylor’s 2nd B-day) but I still have a passion for organization especially as it can be applied to preparing for new phases of motherhood – and subsequently sharing that with you, dear reader.
I’m excited to finally feel okay with letting go of being 100% anything but myself. I hope you’ll still be excited about hanging out and doing #momlife with just plain old me. And I hope my inspiration can be for YOU to feel okay with being 100% yourself too!
Back To Potty Training…
All that being said, many of my Instagram and other friends have been messaging me about what we’ve been doing/using for potty training. If you follow me you read this update last week:
Essentially, the #1 thing I recommend is waiting until your child, AND YOU, are prepared and ready. Yes, there’s a “windowâ€, but if you stress the heck out of yourself to train before that window closes, you may not find the success you’re hoping for.
There are tons of great books, E books, manuals, family/friend advice, etc. and I encourage you to read them because I know always feel better when I’ve done my due diligence too. Here are some of the books I read myself or read to Taylor before and during potty training:
That said, at end of the day, you have to do what makes intuitive sense for YOU and your kiddo. Remember, you know your child best. If potty training is making YOU a stressed out mess (like it was me), then it’s probably not the time, or it’s time to switch things up.
Spend some time sorting that stress reaction out, ease off the pressure brakes, read a book (drink some wine?), get some supplies ready, THEN jump in when you’re ready to be the strong one in the boot camp relationship – it’s hard enough for the little one peeing and pooping themselves all day.
Free, Printable Potty Training Prep Checklist!
To access the printable Potty Trainig Essentials Checklist use this link or just click on the image below.  Print it, shop with it, then keep it in your kit to make sure you’re always stocked up. As a subscriber, you can access and download this and any of the other printables from my website by going to the Printables Library Page and entering the password I emailed to you when you subscribed.
I know this isn’t the most helpful Potty Training post in all of Pinterest-landia, but I do hope you’ll find this free, printable checklist of the items that we used before and during potty training to ultimately find success helpful!! Make sure you also have your Toddler Car Kit put together because many of these things will already be in it!
There is nothing cuter than hearing that proud little voice say, “I’m so proud of myself. I’m big girl/boy now!!!†(and not feeling like you’re going to rip your hair out in the same moment).
Remember that, if you’re loving hard, it’s not that hard.
MOM your way, friend. You got this!
P.S. Because many of you asked, we did NOT use a timer or specific intervals at all during potty training. I am considering doing another post of the good, bad and poopy of what we did do and what I would do differently. What do you think? Would you be interested?
Other Ta[y]lor-made Mama posts you may be interested in:
Hello there friend! It’s been a while, but I have something to share today that I hope speaks to your heart if you’re a fellow introverted mom.
I’ve sat on this idea for a long time because I don’t want to be perceived as “selfish,” but I KNOW that some of my readers are introverts as well and I want you to feel A) validated, and B) understand that “me time” for you is NOT being selfish; it is also non-negotiable if you want to be your happiest self and keep burn out at bay.
This is a post that is near and dear to my heart because, for me and so many other introverted moms I know, daily self-care and “me time” is the difference between being happy+ content, or unhappy + burnt out.
The heart of the matter is that you need to fill up your cup in order to continue to pour into others, most importantly your children. If you’re running on empty, you’re not able to give your best self. Taking time alone isn’t being selfish; In fact, when done with this intent, it’s quite the opposite.
An introverted mom can burn out quickly and sometimes not realize why or how she got there. I knew this about myself going into my new role as a stay at home mom (who’s extroverted hubby also works at home!), and have never felt happier, which I credit largely to the routine I’ve established for us that includes daily alone time for me.
I hope that by sharing some of the things that work to keep me from feeling drained as an introverted mom and wife, you will then find ways and give yourself the permission to have the alone time you truly need each day!
But Ashley, how can I find “me time” every day? There’s just no way – my kid stopped napping, gets up at 5:00 AM, I’m a mom of 4, I work full time outside the home!! No matter how busy even the most introverted super mom among us is, I promise you that you can find a way to make that “me time” DAILY. I would argue that it’s non-negotiable if you want to feel content and happy as an introverted mom. The ideas I’m going to share with you are not ALL going to be possible to do every day, or at all depending on your circumstances, but I KNOW that it’s possible to fit at least one of these in each day even if only for 5-10 minutes. And, those 5-10 minutes will make all the difference for you.
So, how do I know if I’m an Introverted Mom?
The core of introversion can be defined by this simple distinction: you predominantly derive your energy from being alone versus from being around other people.
Being an introvert does not necessarily mean you are shy, although many shy people are introverts. Being an introvert does not mean you are necessarily self-conscious either, or that you don’t enjoy being around other people. Being an introvert doesn’t mean you don’t like to talk. Being around others and talking is enjoyable to most introverts (at least they are to me!) but definitely, drain our energy resources. Just as an extrovert feels filled up through and seeks out being around people, introverts are filled up through time spent alone.
Being an introvert just means that, in order to feel balanced and filled up you need solitude (AKA quiet, “alone time”)…daily.
Why does it matter?
Why is this important to realize, particularly as an introverted mom?
As a mom/wife/friend/etc. constantly giving of yourself to others around you have to be creative and intentional about finding the alone time you need to feel centered and re-energized. ALL moms experience some degree of burnout from time to time, and we certainly all need to practice self-care and find space for “me time,” but for introverted mamas, this need is at a whole other level.
Before we became moms, it was easy to find ways to be alone each day, and mostly these things were naturally occurring. But as soon as our incredible bundles of joy arrive gone are the days of solo commutes, quiet time around the house, regular trips to the gym, or even trips to the bathroom or showers in some cases! We wouldn’t trade the hours upon hours of reading to, talking to, singing to and playing with our kids for ANY amount of alone time, but I don’t want you to feel guilty about missing that quiet, alone space; It’s my hope to help you think of ways to infuse it back into your daily routine in new ways that fit with your busy life as a mom!
5 Self-Care Ideas for the Introverted Mom
1. Asking directly for what you need to feel refreshed.
The first and most critical piece of self-care for an introverted mama is for your partner to understands and therefore support your biological need to be alone each day, in some capacity, in order to feel centered.
Since I left my career to stay and work at home, our family situation is somewhat unique and awesome in that my husband (AJ) works from home also, so our family spends A LOT of time together. Taylor and AJ are both extroverts, and I am most certainly an introvert.
Probably THE most beneficial thing my husband and I have ever done for our relationship is to take the Myers Briggs personality test as part of our premarital counseling. Until then, he perceived my desire for alone time as me not wanting to be around him, which couldn’t have been further from the truth. The two are not mutually exclusive; As an introvert, in order to be a good wife and now as a mom, I NEED alone time each day, and he understands that. If your partner, especially if they are an extrovert, doesn’t quite “get it” I would recommend taking one of those tests and reading through the results together as a first step in creating that understanding. It really helped us to understand one another, and I hope the same for you.
The reason this understanding is important is that you will need to ASK your partner, or even your mom, to give you alone time.
One day per week AJ takes Taylor on a special outing and I stay home. This is something I asked him for, and he quickly agreed to do because he realized 1) this is awesome for their relationship/bond, and 2) I would benefit from time alone in our home to recharge. Happy wife, happy life right?
Ask your partner for a block of time alone, either in your home or out of your home (some intro-mamas love going and sitting at a coffee shop for 30 minutes, or even cruising the aisles of Target solo!) and explain why you need this to be the best mom and wife you can be. I bet once he sees how much happier you are, he’ll be asking YOU if you need that time!
2. Get up before your kids wake up.
Even if it is only 10-15 minutes before your earliest riser, I cannot say how much of a difference this can make. Drink a glass of water to rehydrate, think of or write down the things you are thankful for, take a shower, do 100 air squats, drink a cup of HOT coffee, or just sit on your couch and watch the news. Whatever it is and in whatever time makes sense for you, enjoy those quiet moments before your day gets going! I started this ritual after reading Miracle Morning, and I’m never turning back. Now that Taylor is waking between 7:45 and 9:00 AM, I am able to have a couple of HOURS of alone time to think, write, pray, meditate, etc. and it’s glorious.
3. Take advantage of gym childcare.
Finding a gym with childcare we trusted has been an absolute game changer for me. Taylor loves going, and I am able to get the endorphins and solo time I need to feel re-centered!. We do this 4 days per week as part of our mommy and toddler routine! Even if you aren’t a big fitness buff, just go walk on the treadmill for an hour and listen to a podcast. I bet you’ll feel better on several levels once this is a routine! You can read more about how to fit fitness into your busy life in this post!
There are many gyms, at many different membership cost levels that have childcare. If a gym membership isn’t something in your budget right now, but this idea resonates with you, make it a priority to tweak things or save in other areas to see if you can make it happen. There are women I work with through my SeneGence/LipSense business who get started with the goal of making enough money monthly FOR that gym membership – and then far surpass that! What difference would an extra $200, $400, or $1000+ a month make for you? If you’re interested, I can show you how to make that happen (read this blog post, send me an email or comment on this post and we’ll chat!!
4. Take a walk.
If you have a supportive partner, have them watch your kiddo when they get home (or when you both get home if you work outside the home!) and get out for a quick walk. Listen to a podcast or your favorite playlist, or just have silent space to think and be as you also get in some exercise.
If you’re home alone during the day and have a little one who will sleep in their stroller, take a longer walk with them and (gasp!!) let them have one of their naps as you walk and enjoy some quiet, reflective time as well as the benefits of movement/calorie burn! I did this every day during my maternity leave (read about our routine at that time in this post!) when Taylor was a newborn and I swear it saved me in so many ways.
5. Hop in the bath at night.
AJ and I switch off every other night with who does the bedtime routine. Most nights I have “off” you can find me in the bathtub with a bath bomb, glass of wine and maybe a podcast or music playing. A bath, regardless of what time you take it and for how long, is one way you can care for yourself and get alone time. This is one that could actually be done daily after the kiddos are asleep. I can’t think of a reason why this wouldn’t be possible. Even if you don’t have a bathtub, you can relax in your shower for 10-15 minutes accomplishing the same thing!
I know these ideas aren’t rocket science, but that’s the beauty of them – they can all be done by almost every introverted mom on a regular basis.I sincerely hope that you start incorporating alone time in some capacity daily and reap the benefits for yourself and therefore your family!
What are your favorite ways to put “me time” into your days? Did any of mine resonate with you? I would love to hear if incorporating “me time” into your DAILY routine makes a difference in your energy and happiness levels – would you let me know?
P.S. When I understood what it means to be introverted, I understood myself. I also read the book Quiet – and recommend anyone who is or loves an introvert – which made me feel validated and positive about this trait and the things I could accomplish because of it. I highly recommend this book to every introvert I know!
This post includes some affiliate links. I may make a small commission if you purchase an item through my links. See the full disclaimer in my footer for details. As always, I only recommend products I actually use and enjoy.
After completing Taylor’s Modern Nursery 2.0, my next project in our new home was to create a modern, family-friendly playroom out of the loft at the top of our stairs. It’s the first and only thing you see when you walk upstairs (which is MANY times a day in my case), so I wanted to make it both functional + fun for Taylor and her friends, but also aesthetically appealing. The result is now my favorite room in our home, and I’m so excited to share it with you today.
I linked everything I thought you might be interested in at the very end of this post!
Creating A Space For Imaginative Play + Relaxation
What are your best memories from childhood, and do you intentionally try to recreate opportunities for similar memories for your own kids?
When I think back on my childhood, I am especially grateful for memories of imaginative play with friends. Sometimes I laugh at some of the activities we came up with! I credit my friends’ and my own mom for fostering such creativity in us by providing dress up clothes, helping to construct epic forts out of pillows and chairs, and generally providing us with tools, space and freedom to create our own worlds during play time. I want Taylor and her friends who come to our house to grow up with these special, formative play experiences as well. You can read about how playtime figures into our toddler + stay at home mom routine in this post!
Imaginative Play + Dress Up:
Now that I am working/staying at home with Taylor, it’s been such a blessing to have a dedicated area for her to play and be creative in on her own and with her buddies. I look forward to seeing her grow into this space, make memories with dear friends, and develop her play skills over the years to come!
The Kallax bookshelf and Knipsa seagrass baskets from IKEA were great purchases, if I do say so myself – ALL of T’s toy and book storage for less than $200. I rotate the toys, books, balls and puzzles that are in the reachable boxes about once a week, and keep a couple of them empty so that she doesn’t have too many options at once (less mess for mama to clean up!). In the upper boxes I store toys she has outgrown, and art and craft supplies I don’t want her to have immediate access to.
And, before I forget – how adorable is her Arabian Princess costume from Little Adventures Dress Ups? She has an entire trunk full of Little Adventures dress ups because I couldn’t choose just one! Her dress-up trunk is just an old ottoman I had with holes cut into it for the wooden hangers. I love it because it’s the perfect size for her to open and choose the costume and accessories she’d like to wear on her own now! When we’re all done, the trunk closes (hangers and all!) up leaving the room look clean and chic, and also allowing additional seating for when adults/guests are in the room. I pick up little accessories here and there, as well as stock it with my old costume jewelry, racing medals (“participation only” because I’m no track star), etc. I found this mirror at Target (I still need to actaully secure it to the wall!), which she and her friends use to admire themselves in costume!
The Family Friendly Factor:
Another reason this room is my favorite in our home is that when our friends (who also have little ones) come over, this Modern, family-friendly playroom makes the perfect spot for everyone to spend time together; the kids can play, sit at the table and chair set for arts and crafts or a puzzle, or chill out while watching a movie, and there is still plenty of room for the adults to sit + socialize. It’s pretty perfect, except for the fact that we have to bring up any snacks and beverages we want to enjoy while the kiddos play! We’ve joked that we should just put a wine fridge up there. Which is actually not a bad idea…but, I digress.
We do have a T.V. in the playroom because, although I’m all about the imaginative play, sometimes a marathon animated movie session is just what the doctor ordered. Also, my husband and I can also watch sports, the news, etc. while Taylor gets to play. We use one half of the media center below it as a bookshelf for Taylor, and the other side is child-locked to protect our cable box, etc.
One of the best things about having this space is that the mess/toy chaos in our house is pretty much all contained in this one room upstairs, leaving our entire downstairs living area clutter-free (for the most part)!! I try and give it a once over during her naptimes (an exercise in futility, perhaps), but often wait until the evening when she’s gone to sleep to pick everything up.
A Comfy Space To Chill:
The piece that brings the biggest comfort factor into our family-friendly playroom is this daybed I found on Wayfair.com (a close second is the “Let’s Play” piece on the wall above it!)! Taylor and I often snuggle up to read books or watch a movie, or I’ll sit there working on my computer while she plays independently. The daybed also doubles as an additional guest bed (or bed for me when AJ snores too loud and I can’t sleep at night!), so we wanted to make sure we had a high quality, comfy mattress. was contacted by Tomorrow Sleep at an opportune time to try out their Medium Soft and Medium Firm mattresses. Tomorrow sleep makes the best hybrid memory foam mattress I’ve tried! We will probably use the twin mattress (currently on the daybed) for Taylor’s first toddler bed when she is ready to make the transition, so I’m glad we have such a quality, comfy mattress for her already! Check out this post for my review of both Tomorrow Sleep mattresses! You can also use code MAMA150to receive $150 off any $500 purchase from Tomorrow Sleep (expires 12/31/17)!
Play Kitchen + TeePee:
A few other areas of the playroom I wanted to show you are Taylor’s play kitchen and reading/chill-out teepee. What I really should have done was take a camera and do a 360-degree video around the room to show you everything, but hopefully, you can get the lay of the land. Taylor’s kitchen was this white one from Teamson Kids, but I wanted the hardware to match her teepee, so I used this spray paint on all the hardware before putting it together. I also used this chalkboard paint to paint over the decal on the refrigerator door. T’s favorite part of her kitchen is the working “ice cube” (wooden block” maker! Right now she does some pretend cooking, but also enjoys dumping all her cooking pots/pans, utensils and play food everywhere. An opportunity to teach her about being a helper for clean up time, right?
She likes to sit on the round, (faux) furry rug and read her books from the book box, which I rotate on a weekly basis. Sometimes she will invite me in, but other times she is content to enjoy “reading” on her own. You can’t see it, but I also store this 6 foot, pop-up tunnel behind the teepee – it’s SUPER fun but doesn’t exactly “go” with the rest of the room : )
Well, there you have it! I hope you’ve enjoyed this tour of Taylor’s modern, family-friendly playroom!
Below are links to almost everything that I thought you might be interested in, but please email me or leave a comment if you’d like a direct link to anything I left off!
I’m SO, SO excited to share this Ultimate Toddler Girl Gift Guide with you, friends! It’s loaded with the best of the best for your little gal this Christmas. In fact, I think most of these gifts would be totally awesome for a toddler boy as well. I believe girls and boys should be exposed to and allowed to play with whatever interests them!
I do spend what is probably an unusual amount of time online window shopping + creating running wish lists for Taylor. Last year I posted a Baby Girls’ First Christmas gift guide and basically did all my shopping for her from there for the next 6 months (I actually updated that post with working links for 2017 if you have a little tiny one to shop for!).
This Christmas, at 20 months old, Taylor will really be able to play with and enjoy the gifts we get for her. I can’t wait for epic family matching pajama pictures, monkey bread minis and the light in her eyes when she opens her gifts on Christmas morning.
Of course, we are NOT gifting her all the items on this list (duh), but I wanted to give you a comprehensive guide of the most adorable, developmentally appropriate gifts out there that your toddler girl (or boy!) will enjoy this Christmas and for years to come!
Now, for the Ultimate Toddler Girl’s Christmas/Holiday Gift Guide – No matter what your little girl is into, I hope you find some toddler gift-spiration here. Let’s kick it off with Stocking Stuffer ideas!
Stocking Stuffers For A Toddler Girl:
Some great ideas for toddler stocking stuffers (boy or girl) are:
1.A Cruzee Balance Bike + helmet – I saw an 18-month-old at our local park riding one and just knew I had to add it to Taylor’s wish list! I love the concept of skipping tricycles and training wheels and teaching balance first. Adjustable seat and handlebar height allow the bike to grow with your little one for up to 3 years!
3. Matching Family PJs – order these asap! The pictures and tradition are well worth the investment. We bought this Dear Deer set from Hanna Anderson last year, and only had to update Taylor’s to a larger size for 2017!
11. Cute “Big Girl” undies or these amazing Unicorn Training Pants by Honest Co.- I remember “Santa” bringing me undies when I was around 8 or 9 and I was MORTIFIED at the thought! At this age, she’ll never remember and it might just be a helpful motivator toward potty training!
13. Table + chair set – If you don’t already have a little table and chair set, Christmas might be a great excuse to purchase one. Especially paired with the table top easel, this gift can amount to hours of fun, creative play, and learning. We have the modern, Eames-esque table and chair set shown below, but here is another from Land of Nod that is super cute.
14. iPad Mini + educational apps – if you’re ready to shell out the big dough, and are not anti-screen time this may be a gift to consider. A more wallet-friendly idea is to purchase the Amazon Fire Kids Edition (7″). I bought one for Taylor on Cyber Monday on sale, but even regularly they are only $99! Here are some of the reasons why I’m loving this one:
The kids kindle has a 2-year worry free accident warranty versus the regular Kindle’s 90 day limited warranty. Amazon specifically states: “if they break it, return it and we’ll replace it for free. No questions asked.”
The Fire comes with Kindle Free Time for 1 year, which is normally $1.99 for prime members per month or $3.99 regularly per month.
It already comes with a rubber protective case (yellow, pink or blue), which is absolutely necessary for a toddler.
It’s already primed with a bunch of kid apps and books, not to mention parental controls.
It comes with a kid-safe browser already installed.
17. Winter sweater – this gorgeous ruffle hem sweater comes in gray and blue if you’re not a poppy color fan like I am! Paired with some little skinny jeans and cons….stop. so cute.
19. Play kitchen + play food/accessories – We have the Teamson Kids Urban play kitchen in white, and I couldn’t be happier with it (stay tuned for an upcoming Playroom Reveal post!), but how cute is the pink version?! I am coveting these wooden appliances from Pottery Barn kids, although they are a little on the pricey side! We love all of the Melissa and Doug wooden play food and accessories.
20. Play shopping cart – for whatever reason, this is one of Taylor’s all-time favorite things to play with!
26. Art Easel and art supplies(washable paint, brushes, etc.)- if you already have a table and chair set up, this Table Top Art Easel from Land of Nod would be perfect. It has everything you need from a paper roll holder, holes for paint cups, a chalkboard and a magnetic whiteboard. It even has a folding design for storage. This is in my top 5 for T! There are also several stand-alone versions as well.
32. Dress Up clothes and accessories – we absolutely adore the Disney inspired (and other!) Little Adventures Dress-Ups (starting at 24.99 per costume) but you can also shop second-hand stores for all kinds of accessories and costumes to fill up your little gal’s dress up box!
33. Microphone – if you have a budding entertainer on your hands, this is a must!
39. Drums – Taylor ruined punched a hole through both bongos on this adorable Watermelon Drum set, but it was one of her favorite toys EVER so I’m adding to the top of my list for her.
Do you give gifts for the holidays? What’s on your list?
Pin this list of toys that will grow with your toddler for all your holiday shopping, birthday gifts or “just because” surprises.
Thank you to Coco & Kiwi for sponsoring this post. As always, all opinions are 100% my own and any affiliate links are to products I actually use and like.
The last time I posted a “what’s in my diaper bag” style post, Taylor was only 7 months old. Time has absolutely flown by….Now that she is 18 months I want to share what’s in our Toddler Diaper Bag. I keep my Toddler Emergency Car Kit and a Toddler Restaurant Kit in the trunk of my car which contain many of the things I would otherwise have to worry about grabbing on the way out the door or lugging around in my already full diaper bag (i.e. bib, utensils, first aid kit, change of clothes, etc.). If you haven’t already, and have or will soon have a toddler, definitely check out those two posts!
I have gotten more compliments on this Coco & Kiwi Provence Diaper Bag since I started carrying/wearing it, mostly from girls at my gym who are non-moms actually! As a Coco Ambassador this season, I had the option to choose my favorite bag; it wasn’t even a question which I’d choose. I adore the classic, chic sandstone stripes paired with the camel colored leather of the Provence Bag. Aside from how cute and stylish it looks, I wanted to share a couple of my favorite features with you – game changers I don’t know how I didn’t look for in a bag sooner:
1) detachable stroller straps, 2) the bag can be carried as a clutch, over the shoulder/messenger style, or as a BACKPACK! If you couldn’t tell by all caps, I’m definitely loving the diaper backpack option these days, running around after my toddler.
3) The ingenious zip-in wet bag. I use mine for opened snacks!
You can check out this and all of the stylish Coco & Kiwi Diaper Bags and accessories here.
What’s In My Toddler Diaper Bag?
2-3 Diapers – if your toddler still wears them which, at 18 months, Taylor does.
Wipes – I love Water Wipes travel packs because they are all natural, and can be used to clean little ones’ hands and faces as well!
Sanitizing Wipes – the Wet Ones Sensitive Skin canister makes for easy packing as well as pulling out wipes to sanitize shopping carts, restaurant tables, etc. quickly.
Snacks – did you know that when your baby becomes a toddler you then become a snack peddler? I keep a variety on hand at all times because, at this age, T is starting to really exert her independence through making her preferences known!
Comb and hair ties/bows – because, #girlmom.
Changing pad – a burgundy colored changing pad, which matches the lining, comes in the Coco & Kiwi Diaper bags, and it is actually long enough to accommodate a growing toddler bod!
Wet bag – this is another convenient feature of the Coco & Kiwi Diaper bag. The wet bag zips in and out. I personally use it to store opened + unfinished snacks!
Diaper bags + dispenser – I am obsessed with the Munchkin diaper bag dispenser. Okay, maybe not obsessed, but I do own 5!
Kleenex – toddlers tend to need nose wiping every now and again, and it’s nice to have these on hand when a runny nose occurs. These travel packs are the cutest I’ve found – it’s the little things : )
Mini first aid – I only carry bandaids in my diaper bag because I have a mini first aid kit in my fully loaded Toddler Emergency Car Kit (which includes this AWESOME portable potty for you potty training mamas!)
Water bottle – sometimes I will just bring my adult sized version of this bottle and share with Taylor but, again, these days my toddler likes to have her OWN things!
A small toy that she is reallllllly into – at this moment, Peppa Pig!
LipSense Lip Gloss– I literally do not leave the house without at least one of my LipSense glosses (Matte, Glossy or Bouganvillea), whether I’m wearing the lip color or not.LipSense is a kiss-proof, smudge proof, waterproof lip color that lasts up to 18 hours – talk about a busy mom MUST HAVE! The gloss is the only thing you need to reapply a couple of times throughout the day to keep your lips moisturized and your color it’s staying power. LipSense has been a game changer for me as a new, busy mama: if nothing else, I walk out the door with tinted moisturizer and LipSense on and feel pretty + put together! I loved this stuff so much that I became a distributor myself, at first for the discount but now I have another stream of income for my family because of it! If you’re interested in learning more or placing a LipSense order – check out my Taylor-made Beauty Facebook Group (lots of sales and fun giveaways!), and my In-Stock Album and Order page.
Feminine products
Sunglasses & Eyeglasses
Phone Charger – a must since becoming a mama/responsible for someone else besides myself!
Wireless headphones
Lifetime Athletic Gym card – I can’t insert the praise hands emoji through Word Press, or else I would. Adding this element into our toddler and mom weekday schedule has been a game-changer, sanity saver, etc.!
Hand sanitizer
Wallet (I linked the BEST price I’ve seen for this classic LV wallet!)
Protein bar – not pictured because I literally ate it an hour before taking the pictures for this post
To access the printable Toddler Diaper Bag Essentials Checklist use this linkor just click on the image below. As a subscriber, you can access and download this and any of the other printables from my website by going to the Printables Library Page and entering the password I emailed to you when you subscribed (if you can’t find it, just email me at ashley@taylor-mademama.com and I’ll re-send!).
What are your toddler diaper bag must-haves?
Other Ta[y]lor-made Mama posts you may be interested in:
Are you a stay at home mom of a toddler looking to add more structure, routine and “me time” into your weekdays? A work at home mom who wonders how to get everything done in the day? New to the stay at home mom club and need more routine in your daily life? A mama thinking about making the transition from working mom to stay and/or work at home mom? Or perhaps you’re just curious about what Taylor and my routine looks like these days (the last updates I gave were this one when I was on maternity leave and this one when I was still nursing/pumping at work!).
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then this post is for you.
Before I jump into our toddler and stay at home mom routine, I feel compelled to write something straight from the heart :
Recently, I had a conversation with a long-time friend. She shared that, through following my journey from working to stay/work at home mom over the last year or so, a fire was lit beneath her to leave her own VERY successful career to start a business working for herself + stay at home with her two little ones. And, guess what? She has made it happen for herself and her family! I couldn’t be more happy for my friend who had a vision of a different lifestyle and, despite any fears and hesitancies, followed her heart and went for it.
In turn, her story stoked MY fire to encourage women who may be in the same place I found myself a year ago – a heart being pulled toward being at home, yet also with the fear of uncertainty of letting go of a career and identity outside the home.
If this resonates with you right now, please know that I get it. I’ve been there, and I can tell you that I do not regret the decision for a minute. The moments I get to share with Taylor EVERY DAY now, even the hard ones, outweigh anything I could be accomplishing at work. Do I continue to think about what the future of my career may look like as I did a few months ago when I left? Sure, those thoughts still cross my mind…
BUT, here is the evolution in my thinking:
There is always someone who can do my/your day job (maybe not as well, maybe just as good, maybe even better) but there is NO ONE who can be YOU to your child. If you want to be at home with your baby, and it is possible for your family, don’t be afraid to make the big transition because, “the days are long, but the years are SHORT.”
Remembering this always brings me back to a place of content with the decision we’ve made. Fortunately/strategically on my part, between this blog and my Social Marketing biz, I’m finding ways to satisfy the creative, social AND entrepreneurial sides of myself WHILE getting to be at home with Taylor and focussing on my family (and make a full-time income through the latter!!).
The last few months have truly been the best of all worlds for me, and I would LOVE to chat with you if you have any specific questions about my journey or what I’m up to these days if I don’t answer them within this series.
This brings me to another question (or variation of) I’ve been asked many times since becoming a stay at home mom is,
“So, what do you DO all day now?”
That’s actually a really good question, and one I felt super nervous about in the weeks leading up to the transition from working to stay/work at home mom. I was SO used to a jam-packed, tightly scheduled, daily routine that the thought of open-ended days gave me a ton of anxiety. Full disclosure, I remember crying the week before I was finished with work, for many reasons, but mostly because I just couldn’t picture what my new days and weeks would look like.
I wanted to do this stay at home mom thing well and didn’t want to lose myself in the day to day mom-ing/home-making or waste days sitting around watching cartoons with Taylor…. As it turns out, I have spent several days with Taylor sitting around doing mostly just that- and I’m totally okay with it. In fact, I’ll take those extra snuggles any day of the week.
Having a predictable schedule and routine is important for you/your sanity and your toddler. However, it is also important to be flexible and adjust according to your little one’s (or your!) needs on a given day. Moods happen. Things come up. Kiddos and mamas get sick. Naps are dropped. Structure without rigidity is key!
*after completing payment click on “Return To Merchant” to access your printable PDF!!
Weekday Toddler Schedule and Stay At Home Mom Routine
That said, I wanted to share what a typical weekday for this stay at home mom and her 18-month-old toddler looks like. I work best when I time block (as you can see in my admittedly OCD Google Calendar below), and I hope it’s helpful to see what typically takes place during each block:
7 AM – Taylor wakes up and plays with her stuffed animals and reads books in her crib for 15-30 minutes while I “wake up”. One of the goals I have for myself is to start getting myself out of bed at 6AM in order to build in a little more me/work time before the day begins. I’m SOOOO not a morning person though, so we shall see how that goes….any tips?
7:30 AM – AJ or I (my hubby works from home with is AMAZING) get Taylor out of her crib, change her diaper, and bring her into our room to drink her bottle (yep, still drinking a bottle of milk in the AM + PM) while we watch the news/I get ready for the day. Most days I just put on some tinted moisturizer, curl my eyelashes and that’s about it. I can’t usually get Taylor downstairs without making a pit stop at the playroom, so we play there for 15-20 minutes before breakfast. Conveniently, the laundry room is connected to that room so I can start on or fold a load of laundry as she enjoys!
8:30 AM – Taylor eats breakfast and I drink coffee and check emails. Her breakfast is anything from a banana + oatmeal, to a bagel, egg + raspberries. At this point, she is able to request her favorite foods which is so amazingly cool!
9:30-11:30 AM – Monday through Thursday (again, not EVERY Monday through Thursday because flexibility is key!) we go to Lifetime Athletic Club within this time block. Joining this gym is hands down the best decision we made as a family when I quit working and we moved to a new city. Their childcare facility, programming, and staff are absolutely phenomenal and Taylor LOVES going there. While she participates in toddler art or music class, I get to workout for an hour or so. This time is SO good for both of us; she gets to develop her independence and play skills while I get to maintain (maybe even increase!) my fitness and sanity, win-win! I always bring a snack for us to share outside the gym when we’re finished up. If you follow me on Instagram you’ll see that I often document our “conversations” during this time that has come to be a special tradition between she and I.
On Fridays during this time block, we go to the local library for a Mommy & Me developmental play hour which is super fun for Taylor, a little stressful for me (because she is literally the Energizer Bunny + Tazmanian Devil in this environment), and overall great for her development. Anything for T.
11:30 AM– When we get home from the gym, I make lunch for Taylor to eat before she goes down for her nap. Her lunch is usually leftovers from the night before, a toddler approved Green Smoothie, Annie’s Mac and Cheese (no shame in my game!), plus some fruit and water.
12-2 PM – Naptime, glorious, naptime. Although T’s naps have been hit or miss over the last few weeks, she typically naps for 2-3 hours a day. During this time I shower, work on blog-related stuff and/or my Social Marketing business (as of January 2019 I now make my full-time income through this endeavor which is AMAZING!!!!), start or finish a load of laundry, and (some days) clean one room of the house. I create a prioritized “to do” list for each naptime block at the start of the week and get as far as I can through that day’s list, bumping unfinished business to the evening “Task” block or to the next day. Obviously, this system gets WAY backed up when Little Miss decides to boycott her nap/s, but I digress…
2-4 PM – This is the time we either A) get outside of the house to play (if I have an errand to run that day, we’ll go on the way home), or B) play indoors and incorporate a learning/developmental activity. This may be a trip to the park or zoo, going outside in our backyard to play with her water table or playhouse, artwork or another craft in the kitchen (this art smock is a must, and under $5!), a make shift “fort” in the living room, or up to her playroom to “cook,” in her kitchen or play with her toys and dress up clothes.
Around 4:00 I offer T a snack whether we are at home or out and about. Her favorites these days are gummies, protein + fiber bars, and Goldfish.
6-7 PM – I begin preparing dinner around 6:00. While I’m prepping for dinner AJ (the hubs), Curious George, Peppa Pig or Daniel Tiger babysit for Taylor, and we eat together around 6:30 PM.
7-8 PM – Almost every weeknight Taylor takes a bath, and then we go through her bedtime routine. Since I’ve been at home with Taylor, my hubby and I have been switching off every other night with who is “in charge” of the bedtime routine. On my nights off, l usually take a bath with my favorite bath bomb and enjoy some “me time.” This time is so critical, especially on the nights when I need to put in evening work to catch up on work stuff.
9-11 PM– This is the time where I (usually) try and get things I didn’t get done earlier in the day done. Although, many nights all I do is enjoy a glasses of wine (or 2 or 3) and a crime show with my hubby on our comfy couch. Those are the best weeknights of all : )
I would love to know what your stay at home mom routine and toddler schedule looks like. I love getting ideas from other mamas like you! How is it different than ours? How is it the same?
UPDATE [January 2019]:
I am now blessed to be able to work and make a full-time income from home!! That’s not everyone’s desire, but it truly was mine and I’ve found a way to make it happen for our family, and a way to help others make it happen for theirs!!! If you’d like more information on what I do now or if you are looking for an opportunity to either make some additional income for your family or even replace your income like I have I would love to work with you!!
Do you have a toddler car kit stocked with everything you would need in case of emergency (i.e. forgotten diapers, sudden need for a potty break, stuck in traffic, car wont’ start, flat tire, etc.)? Do you lug around a huge diaper bag full of everything under the sun in case of emergency and want to lighten your load? If you answered yes to either question, then this post is for you!
Taylor and I were out and about the other day when she needed a mid-shopping diaper change. I realized I didn’t have a diaper in my diaper bag – TOTAL #momfail. Then I remembered the Baby Car Kit I keep for her in the trunk of my car (this also happens to be one of this blog’s most popular posts to date!). Relieved, we walked to the parking lot for her change. Much to my chagrin, I realized it had been quite a while since I’d updated her kit, and the diapers I had in stock were a size too small. Although I was able to squeeze her into the diaper until we made it home and I wouldn’t necessarily categorize this as an “emergency” situation, it did remind me that our original emergency car kit needed a little updating.
So update I did, and here is exactly what is you need for an emergency car kit, fit for a toddler.
Everything You Need In A Toddler’s Emergency Car Kit
Here is a list of everything you need to pack in an Emergency Car Kit for your toddler to keep them fed, changed, happy and entertained in case of an unpredictable situation (or if you just don’t feel like dragging a big ole diaper bag around with you everywhere!). I pack all of this in this bin + lid from Tar-jay – it’s less than $10 and fits all our supplies (minus the portable potty) perfectly!
Water bottle with a spout (at least 1) to keep both you and your tot hydrated.
3-4 diapers
Wipes – I keep my wipes in a lined, zippered bag like this one so that moisture doesn’t escape over time (especially when it’s hot!).
Roll of toilet paper – if you’re in the potty training stage, this is critical, along with this portable potty (scroll down for more details).
1-2 activities/toys – I always keep 1-2 books and an activity that could consume my toddler’s attention for the maximum amount of time possible. This Magnetic Curious George Set is perfect for the car and developing imagination, and T loves it!
Travel first aid kit – you could, of course, put one together yourself, but I chose to buy http://bit.ly/2xKe7PVthis one from Target for $6.49.
Changing pad – the one pictured here is sold out, but this is a great option on Amazon Prime + only $6.
Hand sanitizer – I have one of these Babyganics hand sanitizer pumps in our change table caddy, nursing station basket and in the emergency car kit. I like this brand because it is alcohol and paraben free, yet 99% effective in killing germs.
Spare outfit (socks, pants, shirt) – I keep a t-shirt and pants that are 1-2 sizes too big so that I do not have to think about updating the spare outfit every couple of months because – growth spurts. The Cat & Jack line at Target has super cute T-Shirts for between $4.50 and $6.00 (both short and long sleeved depending on the seasons you’re in/entering).
{NOT PICTURED} A Restaurant Kit – create a Restaurant Kit with all the essentials you need to reduce the stress of dining out with little ones and keep it in your trunk. I have actually been bringing the Airplane Entertainment Kit in the car lately because it’s so packed with things to keep T busy.
{NOT PICTURED, but a MUST HAVE} Potette portable travel + training potty – I don’t yet have this portable potty because we haven’t started potty training at this point, but it is already on my Amazon shopping list for later. My best friends both have this in their cars and it’s come in incredibly handy on numerous occasions. You can actually be out and about during potty training because it can be adapted to any toilet seat OR you can just plop in on the ground anywhere you are and the disposable liners catch everything. Genius, right?!
To access the printable Toddler Emergency Car Kit Checklist use this link or just click on the image below. Print it, shop with it, then keep it in your kit to make sure you’re always stocked up. As a subscriber, you can access and download this and any of the other printables from my website by going to the Printables Library Page and entering the password I emailed to you when you subscribed.
Is there anything I’m missing? What other ways do you keep your car organized and prepared for your little ones? Let me know if I’m missing anything in the comments on this post and I’ll happily update my kit + this post.
P.S. This post is part of the Packed to Perfection Series. Each post (including one of my most popular – “What To Pack In A Carry-On To Entertain A Toddler On An Airplane”) includes tips for what to pack and printable checklists to make sure you don’t forget anything. It’s hard enough remembering what to pack for yourself, right?! I like to print my checklists, laminate them and keep them in my bags/suitcases/kits so that they are right on hand and I can keep track of what needs packing, refilling, etc.
Other Ta[y]lor-made Mama posts you may be interested in: